Public Safety
This crisis is not going to solve itself. I have an idea.
Addiction's Destruction Runs Deeper than many folks realize.
Let's do better Lethbridge
New Policy Announcement Coming August 24th!
A Chain is Only as Strong as Its Weakest Link
Looking Holistically
There is no consensus on this topic and it’s not clear there ever will be. However, the notion that the rights of folks whose actions have regrettably placed themselves in conflict with others quietly going about their lives should enjoy extra privileges is anathematic to any civilization that has ever existed.
There is no consensus on this topic and it’s not clear there ever will be. However, the notion that the rights of folks whose actions have regrettably placed themselves in conflict with others quietly going about their lives should enjoy extra privileges, is anathematic to any civilization that has ever existed.
One thing is clear. The opioid crisis is not going to solve itself. This means the challenges of addiction, crime, homelessness and suffering cannot be ignored.