Alberta stable coiN

Introducing a strategy for Alberta to reassert control over our economy and act in the interests of all Albertans. 

As a loyal Albertan with the interests of our beautiful province firmly in mind, I am sharing an idea many have not considered – especially with the significant features I suggest.   

To put it in simple terms, what I have in mind is a 2-sided Stable Coin.   In basic terms,  a Stable Coin is a type of Crypto-currently that is backed by assets.   My suggestion is for an Alberta Stable Coin that is backed by 2 types of assets.   The “A” sided is a basket of energy assets.   The “B” side is a basket of carbon credits.  The combination of the market value of the 2 baskets, divided by the number of outstanding coins, establishes the worth of each coin.    

The merits of Alberta creating its own cryptocurrency are as follows:
1.  A handy method of monetizing the GOAs own energy holding.

2. A “Made-in-Alberta” strategy for building our Provincial economy. 

3. A mechanism for responsibly managing our own fiscal policy

4.  The potential for expediting a “go it alone” strategy if the Government of Canada continues to impair Alberta’s success.

5.  A strategy for attracting investment to Alberta’s energy sector.

6.  A tactic for transitioning from the legacy energy sector to the renewable/clean energy sector

Of course the selection of a name for such a coin matters greatly.  As is so happens, branding is one of my specialities as is market strategy.   I can easily imagine the excitement that could be created by a competition to pick a name for the Alberta coin.   Here are a few I came up with:

A. ErgCoin
B. DynoCoin
C. NRGCoin
D. IndigeCoin:
E. EcoCoin
F.  OneCoin
G. AtomCoin
H. H2Coin
I.  Allberta

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