1. Lethbridge sport council


Dale Leier

I am running for

Lethbridge City Councillor

1. The Lethbridge Sport Council membership is concerned about the growing cost to families and accessibility to participate in BASIC sport, physical activity, and active recreation programs. The City of Lethbridge Recreation and Master Plan released in February 2021 highlights a key goal area as Inclusion and Access. During an era when the benefit of formal sport and recreation to social, emotional, mental and physical well-being for both the individual and community is more apparent than ever, what ways can City Council better support sport and active recreation in our city?

The City Council can start by reallocating it’s budget from areas that serve the interests of a minority of citizens to funding activities for children and youth. In particular, no child with an interest or an aptitude for sports should be prevented from participating due to funding.

2. The City of Lethbridge Recreation and Culture Plan released in February 2021 identifies a need within the next three years for more indoor gymnasium (dry floor space) and indoor fieldhouse type spaces. Our membership agrees with this assessment. Knowing that the YMCA does not rent their gymnasium to local sport organizations, what is your position on the need for more indoor sport and active recreation amenities within our city?

In my discussions with parents I have learned that we need at least 1 more indoor soccer facility in order to host tournaments. This is beneficial for both participants as well as for the local economy.

We have several very large facilities formerly used as grocery stores that are available. These should be explored for potentially leasing as interim facilities until we can put the City on firmer financial footing and afford dedicated permanent facilities.

3. This year City Council adopted the new Municipal Development Plan (Bylaw 6265). How will you ensure that the City is providing diverse opportunities for sport, active recreation, and other quality of life activities?

First, we need to do a detailed assessment of the state of activities in the Lethbridge area.
Second, we need to determine through extensive consultation what desired outcomes we are seeking to achieve.
Third, we need to undertake a gap analysis, followed by a cost-benefit analysis, to see what is needed to be addressed.
Forth, we need a long-term plan to fill the gaps and achieve the desired outcomes.
Fifth, we need to implement plans to meet both immediate and projected needs.

4. Please answer each question individually beyond a simple yes or no OR describe your approach to sport, physical activity, and active recreation requests with these questions in mind.

I’ll do my best.

4.b. The Calgary Flames Sport Bank (CFSB), a KidSport Calgary Program, gathers, recycles and redistributes used sports equipment at no cost to kids in southern Alberta who would otherwise be denied the opportunity to participate. Would you support housing a CFSB equipment distribution centre in Lethbridge to better serve Lethbridge citizens?

Absolutely, 100% yes. No child should ever miss out on the opportunity to engage in sports because they lack funds for equipment. How soon can we start?

4.c. The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted youth sports throughout the country. Many local sports organizations are struggling with decreased enrollment. The City of Lethbridge charges significantly more per hour to use its arenas than other cities in Southern Alberta. Would you request the City consider reducing fees for City arenas while we recover from this pandemic?

I have a serious problem with the way the City of Lethbridge conducts itself in this regard. It’s a fact that we will never have enough money nor enough facilities to satisfy everyone. However, we can take a look at the types of facilities available and find ways to utilize them more effectively and economically.

4.d. The Lethbridge River Valley Master Plan speaks to a weir by-pass and the “excellent opportunity for the City of Lethbridge, in coordination with stakeholder groups, to develop a river white water park”. From page 147 of the LRVMP, “The Oldman River is the dominant feature of the River Valley and is an important asset that residents would like easier access to. It is paramount that the river is accessible to everyone from a variety of locations, regardless of their physical ability.” Do you support the proposed white-water park to replace the weir and a river trail with access and amenities so that citizens can enjoy the river more safely?

As a general principal, yes. However, as with any other use of public funds, assets or facilities, we need to make plans based on due diligence and our best projections for future needs. I’m a big proponent of 3P infrastructure which, if properly prepared, can save taxpayers money while ensuring access to as many users as possible.

PS. I would like to investigate the merits of building a low-rise dam on the river to provide a year-round river-fed water facility for water sports activities.

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