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Date: October 4, 2021

Subject: Violation of the Local Authorities Election Act S. 147

LETHBRIDGE, AB……Public Interest Alberta (PIA) is contacting Candidates who are running for Municipal Council to request they “voluntarily” release the names of all their donors prior to the election.  This action by a purportedly non-partisan public interest group ostensibly for the purpose of achieving campaign transparency.  Their initiative does absolutely no such thing as disclosure is already adequately addressed under the law.  

Where the PIA differs from the legislation is by urging candidates to reveal their donors ahead of the election.  Timing is very important to the PIA but no explanation as to why waiting until the election is over for financial disclosures is insufficient to achieve transparency.  The apparent intent is to impact the outcome of the election itself by influencing donors and voters at a critical juncture. 

However, the real issue of concern is the implication that Candidates who do not cave to the PIA’s “request” for extrajudicial disclosure may be subjected to shaming by giving the impression of having something to hide when there is no reasonable basis for this assumption.  In fact, this bullying is a direct violation of section 147.4 of the Local Authorities Election Act.

Privacy is a fundamental human right that enables the freedom of association, thought and expression, including political affiliation, participation and debate and the right to free and fair elections through secret ballot.   Canadian courts have consistently upheld these fundamental rights. Demanding disclosure of a candidate’s donors during an election could have a chilling effect on their electoral prospects, not to mention opening the door to potential donor harassment.

Section 147.4 of the Local Authorities Election Act was amended to require disclosure of contributions of $50.00 or greater, by individual, as part of the required filings within 120 days after the election.  The filing must include the name, address and amount contributed.  This change was done to bring Alberta into alignment with the other Provinces as well as the intent of the principles of the Canada Election Act.

The Privacy Commission of Alberta has not granted waivers for Public Interest Alberta, or any other group, from Section 147 of the Local Authorities Elections Act enabling candidates to publish names of campaign donors prior to the voting day without donor consent.

Any group or individuals that request that Candidates disclose the names of campaign contributors, are requiring that Candidate to break the law.  No group or individual should pressure a Candidate in this regard.  The Candidate has the right to report such requests to the Privacy Commissioner for the Province, and the Chief Electoral Officer for the Province, and to their local Returning Officer.


Submitted by:

Dale Leier, Candidate for City Council, Lethbridge, AB
Cell Phone:  403-634-7427   Email:

Dale Leier Announces Candidacy For Lethbridge Councillor

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