Platforms. Policies. Programs.  What does all this alliteration have to do with getting Lethbridge back on track?   Please read on.... 

Implementing programs is not something takes place sequentially. These all take place within a larger context and with different preparations and timeframes.

1. Municipal Program Review

Getting best value for money means focusing on meeting needs first and then using any money left over for non-essentials.    Getting full value for money also means ensuring programs are delivered in by the most efficient and effective ways possible.   As a general rule the private sector is a more cost effective and better performing option.    

2. The Opioid Crisis

The harsh truth is Lethbridge has neither the expertise nor the resources to fix a problem that is a global matter made worse by Arches administration of the Supervised Consumption Site  – the world’s largest.  Since that time the epidemic of addiction, homelessness, crime and death has become even worse.   To bring about a long term solution we need a combination of resources and expertise including funding from senior levels of government.  Securing these resources will require a comprehensive plan for immediate, mid-term and long-term steps.   

3. Economic Development

In conjunction with SAREDA and other Federal and Provincial programs, a series of funds for seeding new business opportunities in the areas of agri-foods, nutraceuticals,  aquaponics, aviation,  equipment, health care, renewables, recyclables,  materials, manufacturing, automation, logistics and handling, production and waste management.  In particular, funding for commercializing academic research will be prioritized.    Needed support for existing businesses with identified opportunities for growth will be addressed. 

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