Turning concepts into reality in the form of operational projects is where the rubber truly meets the road.   The challenges may be frustrating but when the achievements are realized it is an exciting time that produces rewards and social benefits for years.  

Lethbridge and Southern Alberta have a long history of entrepreneurial greatness that many folks in our community have no knowledge of. Despite the relative lack of awareness (or maybe even because of it) the visionaries among us strive to make sure our projects see the light of day. 

To make this magic happen is much like baking a cake:  it requires a number of additional elements to combined in a harmonious way.     


We are not involved in this project currently under construction by Ward Bros. Construction Ltd.  However it is a great example of what can be done when all parties can agree on a common purpose. 

No great success has ever resulted from a poorly conceived plan

1. Where are you now?
2. Where do you want to be?
3. When should we get there?
4. What do we need to get started?
6. How will we know when we have finally arrived?

Elements for Success

AWARENESS: It all stars when someone realizes things are not right or could be done better.
VISION: This occurs when the notion of what a better way may be.
DESIRE: What happens when the vision is shared and others start to agree that change may be a good thing.
KNOWLEDGE: The information needed as to how to implement a solution feasibly.
RESISTANCE: Change of any kind is bound to cause dislocation and disruption which leads to resistance.
ABILITY: The financial, human and technical resources are arranged and made available under a legal framework.
IMPLEMENTATION: All the elemetns The resources and framework for change are arranged and made available.
REINFORCEMENT: As the solution gives rise to success, feedback is needed to stay the course.
SUCCESS: Problem solved.
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